How Long Does It Take to Build the Average Kitchen RTA Cabinet?

How Long Does It Take to Build the Average Kitchen RTA Cabinet?


When it comes to renovating or remodeling a kitchen, Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) cabinets have gained popularity for their affordability and convenience. RTA cabinets offer an excellent alternative to traditional custom-made cabinets, allowing homeowners to save time and money. However, it's essential to understand the time involved in building an average kitchen RTA cabinet. In this article, we will explore the factors influencing the construction time and provide insights into the average duration required for building RTA cabinets.

Understanding RTA Cabinets 

2.1 Definition 

RTA cabinets are pre-fabricated kitchen cabinets that are shipped in flat-pack form, ready for assembly upon arrival. These cabinets are designed to be assembled and installed by homeowners or contractors without the need for specialized skills or tools. RTA cabinets are available in various styles, finishes, and sizes, making them a versatile choice for kitchen remodeling projects. Keep in mind all cabinets at one point in time were RTA. 

2.2 Benefits 

Before delving into the construction time, let's explore the advantages of using RTA cabinets:

  1. Affordability:

 RTA cabinets are more budget-friendly compared to custom-built options since they eliminate the labor and high costs associated with traditional cabinet construction.

  1. Ease of Transportation:

 Being shipped in flat-pack form, RTA cabinets take up less space during transportation, reducing the risk of damage and making them easier to handle.


  1. Quick Availability: RTA cabinets are readily available from manufacturers and suppliers, allowing for faster project completion compared to custom-made cabinets.

Factors Affecting Construction Time

Several factors come into play when determining the time required to build an RTA cabinet for the average kitchen. These factors include:

3.1 Complexity

The complexity of the cabinet design significantly impacts the construction time. Intricate designs with multiple cabinet units, corner configurations, or specialty features may require more time for assembly and installation.

3.2 Size and Design

The size and design of the kitchen play a vital role in determining construction time. Larger kitchens with more cabinet units will naturally take longer to assemble compared to smaller kitchens with fewer units.

3.3 Material and Hardware

The type of material used for the cabinets, such as solid wood or medium-density fiberboard (MDF), and the quality of hardware components also affect the construction time. Higher-quality materials may require more meticulous assembly and installation, thus extending the overall time required.

Steps Involved in Building RTA Cabinets 

To understand the construction time better, let's explore the sequential steps involved in building RTA cabinets:

4.1 Planning and Design

Before ordering the RTA cabinets, meticulous planning and design are essential. This stage involves taking accurate measurements, determining the layout, and selecting the appropriate cabinet style and finishes. Proper planning ensures a smoother and more efficient construction process.

4.2 Order Placement and Delivery

Once the planning and design stage is complete, the RTA cabinets can be ordered. The delivery time varies depending on several factors. It's crucial to consider the shipping time while planning the overall timeline for the project.

4.3 Assembly and Installation 

Upon delivery, the assembly and installation phase begins. This involves unpacking the flat-pack cabinets, following the provided instructions, assembling the individual units, and installing them in the kitchen. The time required for assembly and installation depends on the complexity of the design, the size of the kitchen, and the skill level of the person or team handling the task.

Average Time Required to Build RTA Cabinets

Now, let's examine the average time needed for each stage of the RTA cabinet construction process:

5.1 Planning and Design Stage 

The planning and design stage can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the complexity of the project and the homeowner's decision-making process.

5.2 Order Processing and Delivery 

The order processing and delivery time frame typically ranges from one to four weeks, depending on the manufacturer's location, shipping method, and any potential delays. It's advisable to consult with the manufacturer or supplier to get an accurate estimate for your specific order.

5.3 Assembly and Installation Time 

The assembly and installation time for average kitchen RTA cabinets can vary between one to three days. This time frame includes unpacking, organizing the components, assembling the units, and installing them in the designated areas.

Tips for Efficient RTA Cabinet Construction

To ensure a smooth and efficient construction process for RTA cabinets, consider the following tips:

6.1 Proper Planning

Invest time in proper planning and design before placing an order. Accurate measurements and a well-thought-out layout can save time and minimize potential issues during the assembly and installation phase.

6.2 Organized Assembly

Maintain an organized workspace during the assembly process. Sort and arrange the cabinet components, follow the instructions carefully, and have all the necessary tools readily available. This approach helps prevent mistakes and reduces assembly time.

6.3 Utilizing Available Resources

Take advantage of online resources, instructional videos, and manufacturer's guidelines to enhance your understanding of the assembly process. These resources can provide valuable insights and tips specific to the brand or model of RTA cabinets you are working with.


Building an average kitchen RTA cabinet involves several stages, including planning, order placement, and assembly. The construction time varies depending on factors such as complexity, size, design, materials, and individual skill level. On average, it may take a few weeks for planning and delivery, with assembly and installation requiring a few days. By following efficient practices and utilizing available resources, homeowners can streamline the construction process and achieve a beautifully designed kitchen within a reasonable time frame.


  1. How long does it take to receive RTA cabinets after placing an order?

The delivery time for RTA cabinets typically ranges from one to four weeks, depending on the manufacturer's location, shipping method, and any potential delays. It's advisable to consult with the manufacturer or supplier to get an accurate estimate for your specific order.

  1. Do I need any specialized tools for assembling RTA cabinets?

No, RTA cabinets are designed to be assembled using basic household tools such as screwdrivers, hammers, and drills. The manufacturer usually provides all the necessary hardware and detailed assembly instructions.

  1. Can I install RTA cabinets myself, or do I need professional assistance?

RTA cabinets are designed for easy installation, and homeowners can typically assemble and install them without professional assistance. However, if you lack the necessary skills or prefer expert help, you can hire a professional contractor for the installation.

  1. Are RTA cabinets of lower quality compared to custom-made cabinets?

RTA cabinets come in a range of quality levels, just like custom-made cabinets. It's essential to choose reputable manufacturers or suppliers that offer high-quality materials and hardware to ensure durability and longevity.


Remember, RTA cabinets offer an affordable and convenient option for kitchen remodeling projects. By understanding the construction time involved and following best practices, you can successfully build and install these cabinets, transforming your kitchen with style and efficiency.

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