Overlay Issues in Cabinet Face Frames: How to Overcome Them

Overlay Issues in Cabinet Face Frames: How to Overcome Them



Understanding Overlay in Cabinet Face Frames 

The Trend Towards Frameless Cabinets 

The Issue with Overlay and Wall Cabinets 

The Importance of Adding Fillers 

Recommended Filler Options 

Installing Fillers for Wall Cabinets 

Ensuring Proper Alignment 

Overcoming Challenges with Pantry Cabinets 

Common Mistakes to Avoid 

Enhancing Cabinet Functionality 

Choosing the Right Filler Material 

Understanding Scribe Moldings 

Tips for a Professional Installation 





When it comes to kitchen cabinets, the concept of overlay plays a crucial role in achieving the desired aesthetic appeal. Overlay refers to the amount by which the cabinet door and drawer fronts cover the face frame of the cabinet box. While brands like Jarlin and others aim to create a seamless, frameless look with their cabinets, there are certain considerations and challenges associated with this design choice. In this article, we will explore the overlay phenomenon, discuss the issues it can cause, and provide practical solutions to ensure a successful cabinet installation.

Understanding Overlay in Cabinet Face Frames

Overlay, in simple terms, determines how much of the cabinet box is covered by the door and drawer fronts. It plays a significant role in the overall appearance and functionality of the cabinets. By adjusting the overlay, manufacturers can create different styles, from traditional to contemporary. It is important to understand the implications of overlay when planning a cabinet installation to avoid potential complications later on.

The Trend Towards Frameless Cabinets

In recent years, the trend in kitchen design has shifted towards frameless cabinets. These cabinets provide a sleek, modern look by minimizing the visible face frame. Instead of the traditional framed construction, frameless cabinets utilize full overlay doors and drawers, where the fronts cover the entire face of the cabinet box. This design choice enhances the seamless appearance of the cabinets, making them popular among homeowners and designers alike.

The Issue with Overlay and Wall Cabinets

While overlay offers numerous design possibilities, it can pose challenges when it comes to installing cabinets against walls or side panels. When a cabinet door opens, the outside edge of the door can bind against the adjacent wall, causing friction and potential damage. This issue arises because the overlay pushes the door too close to the wall, limiting its movement. To ensure smooth operation and avoid damage, it is crucial to address this problem during installation.

The Importance of Adding Fillers

To overcome the overlay issue with wall cabinets, the addition of fillers becomes necessary. Fillers are strips of material that are used to create space between the cabinet box and the adjacent wall or panel. By strategically placing fillers, the cabinet can be shifted slightly away from the wall, providing clearance for the door to open without binding. This simple step can make a significant difference in the functionality and longevity of the cabinets.

Recommended Filler Options

When it comes to fillers, there are various options available to suit different preferences and requirements. One common choice is to use wood or composite fillers that match the cabinet material. These fillers seamlessly blend with the overall design, providing a cohesive look. Another option is to use metal fillers, which can add a contemporary touch to the cabinets. The choice of filler material depends on the desired aesthetic and the cabinet style.

Installing Fillers for Wall Cabinets

The process of installing fillers requires attention to detail to ensure proper alignment and functionality. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Measure the space between the cabinet and the wall or panel.
  2. Cut the filler material to the appropriate length and width.
  3. Attach the filler to the side of the cabinet

 using screws or adhesive, ensuring it is securely in place.

  1. Check the alignment of the cabinet and adjust the filler if necessary.
  2. Repeat the process for each wall cabinet that requires a filler.

Ensuring Proper Alignment

Apart from addressing the overlay issue, fillers also play a crucial role in maintaining proper alignment among adjacent cabinets. When cabinets are installed side by side, the fillers help keep them at the same depth, preventing uneven gaps or misalignment. This ensures a visually pleasing and cohesive look for the entire cabinetry layout.

Overcoming Challenges with Pantry Cabinets

In addition to wall cabinets, it's important to consider the overlay issue when installing pantry cabinets next to other cabinets or walls. The same principle applies here: a filler should be added to create space and prevent the pantry door from binding against the adjacent surface. By incorporating fillers in pantry cabinet installations, you can optimize functionality and maintain the overall alignment of the cabinetry.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While addressing overlay issues, it's essential to be aware of common mistakes that can hinder the success of your cabinet installation. Avoid the following pitfalls:

  1. Neglecting to add fillers: Failing to account for overlay and omitting fillers can result in damaged doors and misaligned cabinets.
  2. Incorrect filler placement: Ensure the filler is positioned correctly to create sufficient clearance and maintain proper alignment.
  3. Using inadequate filler materials: Choose fillers that are durable, moisture-resistant, and complement the cabinet material and design.
  4. Overlooking proper measurements: Accurate measurements are crucial to ensure the fillers fit snugly and provide the necessary clearance.

Enhancing Cabinet Functionality

By addressing overlay issues and incorporating fillers, you not only improve the aesthetics of your cabinets but also enhance their functionality. Cabinets that open smoothly without binding against walls or adjacent surfaces allow for easy access to stored items, reducing frustration and potential damage. A well-designed and properly installed cabinetry layout can greatly enhance your kitchen experience.

Choosing the Right Filler Material

When selecting filler material, consider the specific requirements of your kitchen environment. If moisture or humidity is a concern, opt for materials that are resistant to water damage, such as PVC or composite fillers. If durability and longevity are priorities, solid wood or metal fillers may be suitable. Consult with professionals or conduct research to determine the most suitable filler material for your needs.

Understanding Scribe Moldings

Scribe moldings are a popular choice for fillers due to their versatility and aesthetic appeal. These moldings are typically installed at the edge of the filler, providing a seamless transition between the cabinet and the wall. Scribe moldings come in various profiles, allowing you to choose the one that complements your cabinet style. When properly installed, they not only address the overlay issue but also add a finished look to your cabinetry.

Tips for a Professional Installation

To ensure a professional and successful cabinet installation, consider the following tips:

  1. Plan ahead: Take into account the overlay requirements and the need for fillers during the cabinet layout planning phase.
  2. Use quality materials: Invest in high-quality fillers and moldings to ensure durability and a polished appearance.
  3. Seek professional guidance: If you're uncertain about the installation process, consult with experts or hire a professional cabinet installer.
  4. Double-check measurements: Accurate measurements are crucial for the proper placement of fillers and achieving the desired overlay.
  5. Test functionality: After installation, test the functionality of the cabinets to ensure smooth operation and no binding issues.


Overlay issues in cabinet face frames can be effectively addressed through the addition of fillers. By incorporating fillers and considering the specific requirements of your kitchen, you can ensure smooth cabinet operation, prevent damage, and maintain proper alignment.



Thanks for the read and feel free to reach out with any questions you might have. You can leave me a comment below or call me directly at 1-866-4VALCAB

Dave Engdahl 

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